
Sexual Health

Sexuality is a complex issue, laden with mystery, misinformation, and often shame. It is a very personal issue which makes it difficult to reach out for help when problems arise.

In reality, sexual dissatisfaction and sexual dysfunctions are quite prevalent and occur in at least 40% of women and 35% of men. A recent study found that 20% of American marriages are sexless. These percentages are likely much higher, as sexual concerns are significantly underreported due to their very personal and sensitive nature.

Sex Therapy sounds very scary to most people. Please rest assured that Sex Therapy is simply talk therapy with a specific focus on sex. Your therapist will make suggestions for you to follow through within the privacy of your own home. The discoveries you make are what you will explore during your sessions.

If you are struggling with issues related to sexuality, want to increase your knowledge and comfort with sexuality or improve your sexual relationship, we are here to help. Following are some of the areas that we can address in therapy.

Most difficulties with sexual function are easily addressed through counseling. Your counselor will also inquire about certain medications and health problems that often interfere with sexual function.

  • Anorgasmia – the lack of orgasmic attainment throughout the lifetime or the inconsistent attainment of orgasm.
  • Erectile Dysfunction – the inability to obtain or maintain an erection adequate for penetration. Barring medical issues, this is often due to unrecognized performance anxiety.
  • Rapid Ejaculation – this is an involuntary anxiety response and is considered rapid when it occurs with minimal stimulation, before penetration or a few seconds thereafter.
  • Vaginismus and Dyspareunia – these are two very different diagnoses but both can make vaginal penetration very painful and even impossible.
  • Inhibited sexual desire – persistent absence of initiatory behavior or a lack of response to sexual stimuli, deficient or absent sexual fantasies or desire for sexual activity.
  • Sexual Aversion – a phobic fear response to imagined or anticipated sexual interaction and extreme avoidance of genital sexual contact with a trusted partner.

While Desire Discrepancies between partners are common, they can cause intense emotional pain and can significantly impact the relationship on all levels.

Sexual Trauma, when unresolved causes a myriad of symptoms that greatly impact romantic and sexual expression for the lifetime, inhibiting an individual’s capacity to engage in loving, nurturing relationships.

Sexual Shame and a Lack of Sexual Confidence is common among many individuals, especially those who were raised in oppressive families, cultures or religious environments where most forms of sexual expression were taboo. This upbringing impacts all aspects of an individual’s life from partner selection to parenting style and career choice.

Sexual compulsivity occurs when one struggles with out-of-control sexual behavior. Although there is distress and shame about the behavior, it continues repeatedly, negatively impacting home and work life and potentially leading to divorce, job loss and legal issues.

LGBTIA+ issues can create extensive anxiety and alienation when individuals lack a trusted support system. Individual counseling and couples counseling can help individuals take pride in their identity and find safety and sanctuary within their partnerships and marriages.

Alternative Relationships and Sexual Lifestyle Choices have seen a significant increase in the past 5 years. Consensual non-monogamy, polyamory and diversity in sexual expression, such as fetishism are becoming more popular. Individuals and couples can feel safe in seeking therapy and openly discussing all aspects of their lives in an affirmative environment, without fear of judgment.